Residency Changes

Your scholarship amount and evaluation is based on your residency status at the time of admission. When your residency status changes, your scholarship must be re-evaluated based on your new residency.

  • If you are changing from Out of State to In-State residency, your scholarship eligibility will be automatically re-evaluated based on in-state status and requirements within 2 weeks of your residency being updated with the university.
    • Please keep in mind that in-state awarding is different from out of state awarding, and the re-evaluation of your scholarship status will result in either the reduction or cancelation of the scholarship based on your eligibility in the new residency pool.
  • If you are changing from In-State to Out of State residency, please contact our office once your residency has been updated with the university to request review of your scholarship.

Newly Admitted Students: Incorrect Out of State Residency Assignment

Often, if a section of your admissions application was incomplete, you will be assigned automatic out of state residency.  If this is the case, you can update your residency here, or you can contact admissions for further instructions.

Once your residency with the school has been updated from out of state to in-state, your scholarship eligibility will be re-evaluated based on in-state status and requirements. This will occur automatically, within 2 weeks of your residency being updated with the university. You will receive an email to your myUMBC account regarding your re-evaluated scholarship status once reviewed.



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