Writing a Scholarship Thank You Letter

Some scholarships require a thank you letter to be submitted in order for you to receive your funds. A scholarship donor will also appreciate the time and effort it took to produce a good-looking, well-written thank you letter. Your letter not only represents an opportunity to relay your personal appreciation and achievements, but it may also encourage the donor to continue supporting students! Remember, you are representing yourself and UMBC.

Review the helpful guidelines and tips below for assistance with writing a pleasant and well-thought out thank you letter.

General Guidelines:

  • Type your thank you letters
  • Use quality paper or stationary
  • Address the donor–if you don’t know who they are “To whom it may concern” or “Scholarship Donor” will suffice
  • Sign your thank you letters (blue or black ink)
  • Send your thank you letters within 2 weeks of the original award notification (unless provided a specific deadline)

Helpful Tips:

  • Be sincere
    • Briefly explain why the aid you are receiving is important to you and/or your family
  • Express gratitude
    • Use the words, “Thank you”
  • Tell your story
    • Briefly explain why you chose UMBC and your major/future plans
  • Be accurate
    • Double check your letter for correct spelling and grammar
    • Ask a friend to review and check over your letter

Sample Thank You Letter:

Your Name
Your Street Address
City, State, Zip Code

Donor’s Full Name (example: Mx. Jamie Donor)
Donor’s Street Address
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mx. Donor (do not use first name here),

First paragraph: Start by thanking the donor for your scholarship, and use the name of the scholarship if you know it. Let your donor know how grateful you are to receive their support and how the scholarship is helping you.

Next paragraph: Tell the donor about yourself. You could state where you are from, your educational background prior to entering UMBC, and/or activities in which you are currently involved.

Next paragraph: Tell the donor why you chose to attend UMBC, why you selected your major, and/or what your plans are for the future (example: internships, study abroad, career goals, etc.).

Final paragraph: Thank the donor again, and reiterate how much the scholarship is valued.

Your Signature
Your Typed Name